ISTE Standards for Educators



Title: Comprehensive Final





Title page: ISTE Standards for Educators Reflection

Title Philosophy of Education

Show a screenshot of Philosophy of Education



Throughout my classes, in NAU I have been asked to write my Philosophy of Education, and each time it evolves. Something that is always in my Philosophy is creating an inclusive classroom that provides every student with learning opportunities. After taking this course I have realized how technology allows students to learn in many ways. It provides students with multiple tools that will benefit their learning.


Title: Standard 1: Learner


Educators will continue to build their knowledge by learning from others and examining different resources that will use technology to improve students learning. Like the students, we also become a learner to benefit their needs and improve instruction. Acknowledging that like the students we are learning what might work best for them and what resources are most helpful. Allowing students to use different technology resources like Lalilo, Seesaw, Nearpod, and Epic.

Title: Standard 2: Leader

Becoming a teacher means becoming the leader in the classroom supporting student’s empowerment and success to improve teaching and learning. Modeling and advocating for students’ exploration and learning opportunities using technology to engage students and meet the diverse needs of all students. A leader will model and ensure that students understand new digital tools and resources for learning.

Title: Standard 3: Citizen


An educator will inspire students to positively play a part in the digital world to engage and participate responsibly. Students will create relationships and communities establish a learning culture and use online resources. Educators will provide instruction about safe, legal, and ethical practices with digital tools and protecting rights and property. Educators will model and ensure the management of personal data and digital identity to protect students’ data privacy. It is important for students to understand the importance of not exposing their personal data but also not causing fear to explore online resources.  


Title: Standard 4: Collaborator

Collaboration between colleagues and students to provide enhanced practice, discover and share new resources and ideas, and solve problems. It is important to set time to collaborate with colleagues to create learning experiences by using technology. Educators and students can use collaborative tools to help expand students their real-world learning experiences by virtually engaging with experts, teams, and other students locally and around the world.  

Title: Standard 5: Designer

Educators create authentic engaging, and learner-driven activities making a learning environment that accommodates learner variability. Educators will create and adapt the use of technology to personalize learning experiences and accommodate learners' differences and needs. The use of technology helps differentiate instruction and provide students with different ways of learning. Some of the apps that are used inside the classroom provide students with a unique learning experience learning at their pace. Digital tools will allow students to use their deep thinking and further expand what they are learning.

Title: Standard 6: Facilitator


Educators will manage students learning with technology and support their achievement of the ISTE standards for students. The educator will allow students to take responsibility for their learning goals and outcomes both in independent and group settings. The educator will manage and create learning opportunities using technology and students' learning strategies, ensuring that students are being challenged and using the design processes and computational thinking to solve problems. The educator will model creativity and creative expression to show ideas, knowledge, and connections.


Title: Standard 7: Analyst

Educators understand and use data to create their instruction to support students to achieve their learning goals. Provide different ways for students to show their competency and reflect on their learning using technology. Use technology to create a formative and summative assessment to accommodate learners' needs and provide feedback to students to inform instruction. There are many apps and websites that provide assessments that are instant, and students can reflect on their knowledge. The assessment data will guide students' process to be able to show students, and parents and build student self-direction.


Overall technology has become an essential tool in our lives. Allowing students to practice their use of technology will help with their future and problem-solving. Modeling how to be responsible when using technology and keeping their data safe is important for students to understand.


